About the Author

Deborah Ward is a writer and an INFJ. She has a passion for writing articles, blog posts and books that inspire, motivate and encourage people to build self-confidence and live up to their potential. She has written two books on mindfulness,Overcoming Low Self-Esteem with MindfulnessandOvercoming Fear with Mindfulness. Her latest book,Sense and Sensitivity, is based on herPsychology Todayblog of the same name. It's about highly sensitive people and is out now. Deborah lives in Hampshire, England, where she enjoys watching documentaries, running and taking long walks in the country, especially ones that finish at a cosy pub.

Here’s What Sensitivity Really Looks Like for an INFJ

Clinically Reviewed bySteven Melendy, PsyD.on September 16, 2020

bob娱乐平台 are often seen as those quiet, sensitive types who are easily upset and seem to take everything personally. Why is that? Are they really so fragile, or has society misunderstood them? Perhaps the real question is what we mean by ‘sensitive.’ For many, that word pulls up negative images of weak, shy, cry babies who just need to toughen up. And that is not the INFJ at all.

Why INFJ Personalities Make Great Counselors, Whether It’s a Job or Not

Clinically Reviewed bySteven Melendy, PsyD.on August 27, 2020

bob娱乐平台 are gentle, sensitive, intuitive individuals who are excellent listeners and very creative. Their high level of empathy and compassion gives them the emotional intelligence to understand and sympathize with other people’s feelings, often better than they can themselves.

Thisbob平台有哪些 is known as “The Counselor” for a reason.

Are All Enneagram Type Fours Really So Moody?

Clinically Reviewed bySteven Melendy, PsyD.on July 29, 2020

Enneagram TypeFours are self-aware, sensitive and reserved, and they may be the hardest type to understand. They are deeply in touch with their own emotions, as well as empathetic and understanding of others’ feelings. To anyone who isn’t a Four, they can seem distant, unsociable and moody.

But are they really melancholy and morose or is there something else going on with Fours?

Categories:Enneagram,Type Four

Lost Your Mojo INFJ? Here’s How You Can Get It Back

Clinically Reviewed bySteven Melendy, PsyD.on July 08, 2020

For manyIntroverts, this unusual time of lockdowns and social distancing has been business as usual. After all, staying home and spending lots of time alone is the Introvert’s comfort zone. Butbob体育下载 are also struggling right now. The lack of face-to-face interaction, racial injustices, and all this strange uncertainty has left many INFJs feeling disconnected, dissatisfied and disheartened.


ENTP and INFJ Personalities: A Match Made in Heaven?

Clinically Reviewed bySteven Melendy, PsyD.on March 04, 2020

Have you ever met someone and felt like they absolutely, totally get you? That this person makes you feel alive and excited just by saying hello? If you’re anbob娱乐平台 (in the16 type system) who’s met anbob娱乐 , you’ll know exactly what I mean. Many people say thatENTP and INFJtypes are made for each other.

Are Free Personality Tests Worth Your Time?

Clinically Reviewed bySteven Melendy, PsyD.1月14日2020

Free personality quizzes have become increasingly popular, but why are people so fascinated by them? Why do we use these tests to answer our most important questions and steer our lives when they may not bescientifically valid? These tests seem to hover somewhere between science and entertainment, with the promise to offer insights into who we really are. But perhaps they’re not what they appear to be.

How to Cope as an Enneagram Type 4 Under Stress

Clinically Reviewed bySteven Melendy, PsyD.on December 17, 2019

Enneagram Type 4sare the Individualists ofthe Enneagram. Fours are sensitive, creative, and expressive people who are interested in finding and understanding their own identity. While they crave close, intimate relationships, others may find them quiet, reserved, and hard to get to know.

Why Do INFJs Struggle to Find Meaningful Relationships?

Clinically Reviewed bySteven Melendy, PsyD.on November 17, 2019

INFJs are sensitive, compassionate Introverts who value quiet time to themselves. But these thoughtful folks also care deeply about people and long for meaningful relationships with someone who shares their passion for in-depth conversations. So why is it so hard for these caring personalities to actually find those meaningfulINFJ relationships?

Why Enneagram Type 3 and Type 7 Score Lowest on Empathy (and How They Can Change It)

Clinically Reviewed bySteven Melendy, PsyD.on October 20, 2019

You’ve heard the old saying, “no one is perfect.” Each of us has our own strengths and weaknesses and different ways that we behave around others, and theEnneagramoften makes these starkly apparent. Some of our Enneatype qualities, like the Type Four’s creativity or the Type Two’s natural sense of compassion, are talents to be developed. But we all have some areas where we could use some improvement.

Why NTJs Love to Give Unsolicited Advice (And Why That’s Bad for Everyone)

Clinically Reviewed bySteven Melendy, PsyD.on October 06, 2019

INTJs and ENTJs might be at opposite ends of the Introvert/Extravert spectrum, but what they have in common is a drive to solve problems. This is great for building careers, but when it comes to friends, family and colleagues, their delight in giving advice can ruin relationships.

If you are an INTJ or an ENTJ, you may already know that you have a tendency to express your thoughts and opinions quite openly. But have you considered the effect this has on other people? And that your need to give unsolicited advice is probably caused by a lack of self-confidence.



Myers-Briggs® and MBTI® are registered trademarks of the MBTI Trust, Inc., which has no affiliation with this site. Truity offers a freepersonality testbased on Myers and Briggs' types, but does not offer the official MBTI® assessment. For more information on the Myers Briggs Type Indicator® assessment, please gohere.

The Five Love Languages® is a registered trademark of The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, which has no affiliation with this site. You can find more information about the five love languageshere.

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