4 Hot Careers for ENTPs

Clinically Reviewed bySteven Melendy, PsyD.on June 22, 2011

ENTPs are highly innovative people who pride themselves on being able to find creative, new solutions. They dislike routine and thrive on change, seeing it as a challenge. ENTPs, as the quintessential Think Outside the Boxpersonality type, disdain convention and attempt to carve new paths. Hotcareers for ENTPsallow these ingenious people to express their talents for clearly seeing big pictures when it comes to problems and coming up with leading-edge solutions.


If you're anENTP, you're likely well-suited to become an entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur, you'd be organizing and running a business or related enterprise. Essentially, entrepreneurs start something new. You could start a new business or venture in countless possible fields, but qualities that are common to successful entrepreneurs include a talent for management, a willingness to take risks and the ability to conceive ideas for new solutions, products or services. To become an entrepreneur, take stock of what you love to do, then think about how you can bring it to the world in a novel way that would capture people's interest and imagination. Figure out who your audience will be, and work out a plan. And network with other entrepreneurs. They can become a source of great support.

Environmental Scientist

Asolution-oriented ENTPmight find great satisfaction as an environmental scientist. In this challenging career, you'd be analyzing environmental factors in order to come up with ideas to help clean and improve the environment for the safety and well-being of all who depend on it. Creativity combined with analytical ability is a must, since environmental scientists must draw on scientific knowledge to come up with helpful solutions. Many environmental scientists are employed by governments, and job prospects are particularly good on the State and local levels. To become an environmental scientist, you'll need a minimum of a Bachelor's degree, preferably in earth science, environmental science or a related field. You would enhance your prospects for employment and promotion by earning a Master's degree in environmental science.


If you're an inquisitive ENTP who enjoys garnering information and then analyzing it, you'll want to check into a career as a reporter. All kinds of events lend themselves to news stories, whether accidents or changes in businesses and political situations. As a reporter, you'll be on the scene, talking to the people involved, and then you'll write about the event for dissemination to news sources. Reporters must have keen attention to detail, excellent writing skills and inquisitive minds. Proficiency with computers and desktop publishing is also important. To become a reporter, you need to earn a Bachelor's degree in journalism. You can improve your prospects for employment through job experience. While you're in college, you'd benefit from working at news or television stations on campus. You might also want to seek out an internship with a local news or television organization.

Industrial Engineer

If you're an excellent strategic thinker and planner, then you might enjoy a career as an industrial engineer. You'll need top-notch analytical skills as well as the ability to examine situations from a big-picture perspective. As an industrial engineer, you will evaluate and analyze ways in which companies function and give suggestions as to how they can improve and streamline operations. You'll also need to excel at communication so that you can tactfully discuss your findings with management. If you're interested in becoming an industrial engineer, you will need to earn a Bachelor's degree in industrial engineering. Coursework in management, labor relations and finance would be helpful. Getting experience in manufacturing or production, in particular, can enhance your career prospects.

ENTPs are happiest when they're challenged to come up with creative solutions to problems – ideally, to go and to think where nobody has previously gone or thought. Their hallmark is independence, both in thinking and in problem-solving. Hot careers for ENTPs are those that put to use the unique skills of these inventors to create, innovate and solve problems while giving them maximum freedom to do so.

Molly Owens

Molly Owens is the founder and CEO of Truity. She is a graduate of UC Berkeley and holds a master's degree in counseling psychology. She began working with personality assessments in 2006, and in 2012 founded Truity with the goal of making robust, scientifically validated assessments more accessible and user-friendly.

Molly is an ENTP and lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, where she enjoys elaborate cooking projects, murder mysteries, and exploring with her husband and son.

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About the Clinical Reviewer

Steven Melendy, PsyD., is a Clinical Psychologist who received his doctorate from The Wright Institute in Berkeley, California. He specializes in using evidence-based approaches in his work with individuals and groups. Steve has worked with diverse populations and in variety of a settings, from community clinics to SF General Hospital. He believes strongly in the importance of self-care, good friendships, and humor whenever possible.



Industrial Engineer and Enviromental Scientist, two jobs that need some who can pay attention to details, and that's not the NP type

donavon (not verified)说……

people can do any

SomeGuy (not verified)说……

These jobs are also concerned with thinking up creative solutions. Although these solutions may draw on concrete details, the ultimate goal of projects associated with either career is to envision and innovate--perfect for the ENTP.

Kathy Dillin (not verified)说……

Couldn't agree more

TheENTP (not verified)说……

ENTP. Is really just an acronym for Entrepreneur or Enterpriser. The ultimate explorer. As an ENTP from Enterprise, MS I can affirm that the description and explanation of the ENTP is 100% valid. I have kept a journal for years, and as I glance back at my notes I see all of the deductive reasoning, boldness, empirical and highly analytical thinking and deep introspection required of industrial engineers and environmental scientist. Which is evidence of my incessant exploration of whatever environment in and why I am comfortable in any environment. Having been all over the world as a naval officer I can let you know that the nature of the ENTP has provided ease of access into nearly any setting because of the ENTP's natural tendency and affinity to extrapolate details in human nature and in technical clues that provide the mode and tone in which to speak to anyone. I have actually been able to develop an internal speed reading protocol which allows me to discern a person's distinct personality within about four answers and explain their personality to them by the end of the conversation. Which is actually the crux of a good industrial designer. As far, as the details oriented issue. It does seem odd that an empirical - macro level thinker can pick up on details let alone retain them but I am actually an electrical engineer, professional construction manager, a frequently hand picked investigator (detective) because of my ability to decipher hidden details that others miss because of the intuitive thinking aspect. Lastly, I'm usually everyone I knows' "idea man" so I've figured out I should just follow my passion, gifts, and strengths and go to design school to get my masters in industrial design.

aslam (not verified)说……

Can you please elaborate your internal speed reading protocol?

THEENTP (not verified)说……

当然,首先,我将让你知道,我是一个终生的people watcher and observer of environments. I generally keep a record of everything that I scan, not intentional but rather involuntarily, I seem to record and track occurrences and actions. Now with that knowledge of me as a premise you can understand that I recognize similarities in people and things easier than would be normal of say someone of maybe a different temperament. (I don't know this so sure because I am obviously not a different temperament but one can speculate) Anyway, I have a few questions that come to mind as soon as I want to know more about a person. I have speculated and derived probably about 80 different questions that one would ask if they wanted to get to know someone better and boiled that list down to about ten questions that help me to tie a person to their specific temperament and nature. Then, by observation I can ascertain their personality. Once, I even observed a lady sitting next to me on a 90 minute flight without exchanging one word all trip and then after landing got her attention and "read her ticket" (my little saying for my trick) before we were off the plane and she was like, "Whoa, you must be reading my diary or something." The trick is similar to the memorization technique to internal categorization that helps for systematically remember a certain set of traits of an object or person in order to identify with it or them. I do not have a clinical term for this yet but it works and I've been using it on my job for a couple years and it works.

Tariq (Guest) (not verified)说……

What were the 10 questions?

Mestizo (not verified)说……

Hi i just wanted to know you being an electrical engineer how did you find the experience you being an ENTP as well. Because I plan on studying for an electrical engineer next year as well. Was there a clash with your personality? Did the job keep your interested? Would you recommend it to me?


It was interesting for the moment, difficult and grueling at times. Not so, because I didn't have scholastic aptitude for it but because it focuses on the micro level of things and not so much on the immediate and macro level that ENTPs tend to thrive. I originally thought I should be a civil engineer or an architect but I wasn't afforded any real counseling toward degrees programs, schools, and career fields prior to enrolling in college and I just knew that I wanted to do something with innovation and technology. However, I would offer that electrical engineering is a black-and-white field with little room for creativity in design, you kind of have to follow the rules and standards. This doesn't mean that you can't create it is just not as holistic and abstract as ENTPs tend to be comfortable with.

Mestizo (not verified)说……

Thank you for your response. I am still unsure of what i want to study. Reason for electrical engineering is, I love to find out how things, people operate at on their core levels. How could I be sure on what to study if so many things interest me?

TheENTP (not verified)说……

Well, I'm trying to figure that out myself. I'm at a crossroads also. I've only really figured out too jobs three vocations that match an ENTP's thirst for understanding and full spectrum thinking; photography/journalism, real estate development/urban planning, and industrial design/industrial engineering. I'd recommend that you try out the book, The Renaissance Soul by Margaret Lobenstine.i just got it but it is supposed to explain why we, Renaissance Souls, similar to Benjamin Franklin, Leonardo Di Vinci and others have a perpetual thrist to new ventures.

Mestizo (not verified)说……

Thank you, THEENTP, i will surely do that and take a look at that book. Its weird how it's so difficult for us to know what we want to do for sure, If we're always trying to find out what the bases is for all other things. :-D

RICO J (not verified)说……


I am a fourth year electrical engineering and still not sure what to do with my degree. In the long run I want to become an entrepreneur, but in the most recent five years I would picture myself as an engineer who tries to come up with new ideas and develops his network. I want to get into Processing control, but I am not really sure if this is also a structured field too. If not, that would be great. If so, what sub-areas or related fields would you think are best for electrical engineering ENTPs? Thank you in advance.


Guest (not verified)说……

I don't agree these are not hot jobs

THE DEBATER (not verified)说……

Well then you're probably NOT an ENTP...

Eric Ly (not verified)说……

I picked engineer because, of the money, and it said I was one if the top four picked that.

madEddie (not verified)说……

I chose to be a theoretical physicist, this way i get paid to study and to do research! and it also shows that I'm clever as s**t! :D

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