New Year's Resolutions for Career Success in 2011

If you felt bored or frustrated with your job last year, you can end your stagnation by making New Year's resolutions for career success. Perhaps you'll find a way to improve the situation at your current job. If not, it might be time to start scanning the horizon for new employment opportunities. In either case, self-knowledge is key. If you cultivate a sense of adventure while maintaining realistic expectations, you'll open yourself to new possibilities.


Tell your boss and coworkers what's on your mind, and offer up ideas for discussion. New ideas are the lifeblood of individual careers and business organizations. Don't forget, though, that communication is a two-way street. A good communicator is also a good listener. Do you crave additional responsibility, a higher salary, or both? Communicate these concerns to your boss, and take the guesswork out of where you stand. If advancement isn't available through your current position, you might want to start looking elsewhere.


不可能夸大了专业的重要性fessional friendships. Network by going to conferences related to your industry or joining associations like your localChamber of Commerce. Go online and seek out people in your field. Professional connections, both offline and online, can open new doors, sometimes when you least expect it.

Get Organized

Time and energy are finite resources. Get organized by setting timelines and deadlines for the completion of projects. While whittling down your to-do pile, be sure to prioritize. Complete important tasks first; less important tasks can wait until later. Be sure tokeep your resume updated, and track your goals and accomplishments. These accomplishments will help enhance your resume and build confidence. They can also inspire new directions for your career.

Stretch Your Comfort Zone

Sure, you'll make mistakes, but you can learn from them. You can't grow without taking risks. Nudge yourself out of your comfort zone. Not all the way, but enough to where you get a taste for new challenges. It's like flexing a muscle. If you make a habit of stretching your comfort zone, you'll become a more adaptable and skilled person and a more attractive prospect for either a promotion or a new job.

Build Your Skills

No matter what your field, you can build your skills and enhance your talents. When learning new things, the first step is the hardest. Overcome your inertia and take that first step, then the rest of the steps will become easier. Make use of all your talents, not only the ones that are part of your job description. The more skills you bring to bear on your duties, the more likely you are to get noticed.

Become Technologically Savvy

Technology has infused every aspect of life. You're putting yourself at a severe disadvantage if you avoid it or are afraid of it. In this digital age, you'll need to become technologically savvy to make the most of your skills in any field. Take advantage of technological tools, but don't just grab every cool new gadget you see. With insight into your personality and a good grasp on your goals, you can choose tools that will boost your productivity. Your key to career success in 2011 lies in meeting challenges and seizing opportunities. To do this, you'll want to heighten awareness of your unique gifts.

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Truity was founded in 2012 to bring you helpful information and assessments to help you understand yourself and use your strengths. We are based in San Francisco, CA.