INFJsare easy to work alongside, since they do their best to be supportive of their co-workers and preserve harmony in the workplace at all costs. They are not the type to be openly critical or dismissive of others, preferring to lead by example or to influence behavior through positive feedback.

But despite their warm and compassionate natures, INFJs have buttons that can be pushed, and there are some people who seem to constantly push them, inadvertently or not. There are certain habits in co-workers that can alienate INFJs and leave them feeling infuriated and frustrated, although no one may ever realize this since INFJs are loath to criticize others openly.

Given a choice, INFJs would prefer to withdraw or retreat from individuals who cause them to experience unpleasant emotions. Naturally, that can be hard to do in workplace environments, where people may be thrown together for 40 hours a week or more whether they like it or not. Unfortunately for INFJs, they may be unable to avoid exposure to co-workers whose behaviors bother or annoy them.

应该强调,INFJs太他arted, forgiving, and empathic to hold any real hatred in their heart for anyone. It is only certain characteristics or behaviors they abhor, and not the people who possess those characteristics or are guilty of those behaviors.

With that caveat added, here are seven things that many INFJs secretly hate about their work colleagues:

#1 Self-Promotion and Attention-Seeking

INFJs prize cohesion and mutual respect in the workplace. They feel comfortable and at home in environments where everyone works together and freely offers each other encouragement and praise, with no concern for who gets the credit for shared successes.

Conversely, they are put off by individuals who attempt to steal the limelight or deny it to others. INFJs have a special radar that allows them to detect attention-seeking in all its guises, and they cannot stand that type of self-centeredness and all that it implies.

它从来没有发生accomplishme INFJs使用nts for self-aggrandizement, since they don’t see co-workers as rivals or competitors. INFJs try to deploy their talents in ways that will make others shine, and they feel genuine joy when co-workers achieve milestones and get the credit they truly deserve for doing so.

#2 Conversation Hogging

Co-workers who constantly interrupt, because they want to take control of the conversation or are too excited to show restraint, annoy INFJs to no end.

INFJs are instinctively inclusive, and feel bad when they see co-workers being ignored, dismissed, or excluded from the conversation or from the decision-making process. INFJs tend to take it quite personally when they are the ones being interrupted or spoken over, which they see as a sign that neither they nor their ideas are being taken seriously.

For INFJs, respect and humility are paramount. They believe everyone should listen carefully to what others have to say and reflect before they speak—and that is especially true if they plan to disagree, or offer alternative ideas. INFJs appreciate constructive and open dialogue, and don’t like to see anyone interrupted by those who are convinced they already have the answers.

#3 Short-Term Thinking

INFJs are natural visionaries. As such they eschew short-term thinking, seeing it as limiting and unimaginative.

They carry this attitude with them into the workplace, and because of this orientation they are put off by supervisors, employers, or co-workers who place too much emphasis on short-term profit, or who refuse to disrupt the status quo out of fear. INFJs can perceive the growth potential in the businesses they work for, and they spend a lot of time (even away from the workplace) thinking about how to make things better for everyone.

When they see associates taking the path of least resistance, which inevitably prioritizes short-term goals, INFJs can quickly become frustrated and even feel trapped in their jobs. From their perspective, short-term thinking inevitably ignores or neglects real opportunities for growth and improvement, and if there is anything INFJs can’t stand it is letting those kinds of opportunities slip away.

#4 Teasing

In line with their demand that everyone be treated with respect and consideration, INFJs don’t approve of teasing. When they’re around co-workers who like to tease, they will become tense and uncomfortable, even if they’re not the one on the receiving end of the ribbing. INFJs don’t see teasing as good-natured, harmless fun, but instead as a type of passive-aggressive behavior that is used as a cover for highly personal criticism or ridicule.

These anti-teasing sentiments emerge from the empathy and sensitivity that INFJs possess in abundance. They are experts at detecting hidden agendas, and they would prefer people drop the pretense of humor and come right out and say what they really mean.

While INFJs dislike teasing, they do appreciate self-deprecating humor. In contrast to teasing, INFJs see that type of humor as a sign of humility, based on an implicit recognition that we all live in glass houses and therefore should be reluctant to throw the first stone.

#5 Tardiness

Because they are dutiful, responsible, and professional, INFJs are not very tolerant of co-workers who are frequently tardy, or who leave work early on a regular basis. While others may not think much about this, preferring to worry only about themselves, INFJs feel a strong obligation to their employers and their colleagues and will react negatively when co-workers don’t display that same level of commitment.

INFJs are tolerant and flexible, and not the type to demand that others follow the rules no matter the consequence. They are quite sympathetic when well-meaning and judicious people are unavoidably delayed or have personal or family obligations that require their attention.

However, when people are chronically late, regardless of the supposed justification, INFJs see that as immature and irresponsible behavior, and as an affront to everyone else who strives to behave like an adult.

#6 Time Wasting

In workplace settings, INFJs see time as a precious commodity that shouldn’t be casually tossed aside. When they’re around co-workers who spend an inordinate amount of time on the job chatting, gossiping, hanging out on social media sites, or otherwise goofing off or around, it drives them up the wall.

INFJs are impatient with such behavior and won’t participate in it or play along, seeing it more as a form of disorder than as innocuous fun. This may occasionally lead to accusations from co-workers that they take themselves or their work too seriously, but INFJs won’t be swayed by such judgments.

Interestingly, INFJs won’t react negatively to conversations that involve more weighty or substantial matters, even if the discussion will sometimes interrupt the workflow. They see dialogues that concentrate on important personal, professional, or societal issues or concerns as highly relevant to every aspect of life, including those that relate to job performance. They are especially willing to engage in such discussions if they are solution-oriented or reflective of people’s desire to find meaning and purpose in their endeavors.

#7 Constant Negativity

INFJs是专用的和忠诚的雇佣ees and co-workers. They are respectful and helpful to bosses, supervisors, managers, and peers, seeing them all as essential elements with important contributions to make tothe team dynamic. But their relationships with employers, managers, or co-workers can quickly deteriorate, if they feel those individuals are responsible for creating a workplace environment where negativity has become endemic and fear and tension have become normalized.

While they appreciate honesty and sincerity, INFJs are turned off by perpetual negativity, regardless of its supposed intention. INFJs believe a cooperative spirit should animate the workplace, and they are convinced an approach that offers positive feedback and helpful guidance instead of harsh condemnation or criticism is the one that will produce the best and most sustainable long-term results.

Most importantly, INFJs think everyone should be treated courteously and with dignity at all times as a matter of principle. Managers, employers, and co-workers who violate this code will lose the respect of their INFJ colleagues, and will only be able to win it back if they change their attitudes.

A Healthy and Happy Workplace Environment is Everyone’s Responsibility

If you’re an INFJ, you should speak politely but honestly with your co-workers, supervisors, or employers about any beefs, bugbears, and pet peeves you might have. You’ll feel better about getting these things off your chest, and you’ll likely be surprised at the positive responses you’ll receive—and the positive changes you’ll initiate—if you take this proactive approach.

On the other hand, if you’re working with or for an INFJ, you’ll be able to improve your relationship with that individual if you can learn to adjust your behaviors to compensate for their needs and preferences.

In the end, if everyone makes a concerted effort to treat each other civilly and thoughtfully at all times, in an environment where open dialogue is encouraged and embraced, issues that can put INFJs at odds with their work colleagues can be amicably and permanently resolved.

Nathan Falde
Nathan Falde has been working as a freelance writer for the past six years. His ghostwritten work and bylined articles have appeared in numerous online outlets, and in 2014-2015 he acted as co-creator for a series of eBooks on the personality types. An INFJ and a native of Wisconsin, Nathan currently lives in Bogota, Colombia with his wife Martha and their son Nicholas.