Why TJs Can't Apologize (Sorry!)

Clinically Reviewed bySteven Melendy, PsyD.on July 02, 2018

I'm British and we're famous for how frequently we say sorry.

If we sneeze, we say sorry. If we stop someone to ask for directions, we say sorry. If you're rushing around like a reckless fool and you crash into us (your fault, not ours), we'll be the one to say sorry. It's like a verbal tic on a national scale.


My Life as an Introverted Radio Host

Clinically Reviewed bySteven Melendy, PsyD.on May 27, 2018

It’s early on a Wednesday morning and even though I would like to sleep longer, I have already begun to prepare for the day. I got up long before dawn to prepare for a weekly task that I could never have imagined myself doing during my shy days: hosting a radio talk show at the University of Winnipeg.

Does Age Matter More When You’re An Introvert?

Clinically Reviewed bySteven Melendy, PsyD.on April 01, 2018

In many cultures around the world, youth is associated with energy and passion. Reflective and calm personality traits are associated with being older and wiser. We are comfortable with these stigmas; however, we are slightly less comfortable when someone flips the switch.

何w to Succeed as an Introverted Trainer

Clinically Reviewed bySteven Melendy, PsyD.on February 20, 2018

You’re telling the room: any type can do anything. Personality theory is about understanding yourself better, playing to your strengths and broadening your horizons. It was never intended to pigeonhole anyone.

在里面,你的想法。何w can I, someone with a preference for Introversion, train groups of people as my job? My energy comes from in-depth, one-on-one conversations, not noise-filled, overstimulating group work. I’m much happier working and spending time alone.

What Business You Should Start, Based on Your Personality Type: Part 2 - Artisans and Guardians

Clinically Reviewed bySteven Melendy, PsyD.on January 29, 2018

Innate preferences mean that somebob平台有哪些 are more likely than others to start their own business.Last week, we looked at NT (Rationals) and NF (Idealists), the types most likely to leap into entrepreneurship, and discovered the types of businesses in which they might excel.

5 Tips to Help STs Unleash Their Compassionate Side

Clinically Reviewed bySteven Melendy, PsyD.2017年5月23日

Compassion opens the door to happiness. We all want to receive compassion from others, since it shows that people see and understand us. Compassion is the mode of expression that tells us we are not alone; that hearts and arms are open for us if we choose to accept them. It is the instinct that drives someone to serve food at a homeless shelter, donate money to famine victims, or help a friend in need without expectation of reward.


Judging, But Not Judgmental: How to Avoid the Pitfalls of the J Personality

Clinically Reviewed bySteven Melendy, PsyD.on August 22, 2016

In theory, theJudging (J) personalitydimension inMyers-Briggs typologyhas nothing to do with being judgmental.

It’s true, those who carry the (J) banner are firm in their opinions and have clear ideas about how things should be done. And they normally pay more attention to details than their Perceiving (P) counterparts, noticing things that companions routinely overlook.

7 Survival Strategies for the Introverted Teacher

Clinically Reviewed bySteven Melendy, PsyD.on March 21, 2016

While all educators are susceptible to burnout, the introverted teacher is fighting a unique battle. They are willingly immersing themselves in an environment designed to exhaust themselves.

As an introverted teacher, I quickly realized I was in over my head. It wasn’t the teaching itself that really got to me; it was the constant external stimulation that accompanies the world of education. Between busy hallways, loud noises, and bright lights I would, inevitably, be left utterly exhausted by mid-week.


Myers-Briggs® and MBTI® are registered trademarks of the MBTI Trust, Inc., which has no affiliation with this site. Truity offers a freepersonality testbased on Myers and Briggs' types, but does not offer the official MBTI® assessment. For more information on the Myers Briggs Type Indicator® assessment, please gohere.

The Five Love Languages® is a registered trademark of The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, which has no affiliation with this site. You can find more information about the five love languageshere.

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