
Well I am INFP but my learning disability made it impossible to cherry pick the Bible and I felt very conflicted. It was only by moving in with an Atheist observing his behaviors didn't see anything that indicated that he lack morals due to his disbelief and then I in a manner of speaking met Carl Sagan and if you ever had any doubts that maybe those who wrote these ancient text did so in order to survive the dessert as nomads and needed there own version of a Sun God. I believe that those who continue this tradition of teaching this myth are doing further generations a disservice and if at any time you have threaten your child that if they misbehave they are going to hell or the equivalent as my step-mom did put my hand over a heated stove and told me that if I didn't behave that is what it was to feel like when I died for eternity you should be ashamed assure your child that they will never have to worry about such a place. Anyways I believe in the big bang. I like the idea that I come from star stuff.

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