Pocky (not verified)says...

Thanks for writing this article! I like how you broke down how IFs think first about their inner world and then the outer - kind of explains why some of my IF friends make really idealistic but impractical decisions they kinda regret later and why EFs can sometimes care way too much about what other people say.

But I'm not entirely sure I agree with you there about Extraverted feelers caring that much about harmony. I'm an INFJ so if something I deem as morally "bad" is going on I stick my face right into it, regardless of how the party may feel. Sometimes this creates conflict but also very interesting conversations! But then bc I'm an INFJ maybe I care more about the "truth" then I care about what everyone else wants. But I've also seen ISFJs do the same. I guess maybe EF's are more likely to try to pursuade/push others to do what they believe is right/best for the group? That persuade/push is what makes me think EFs are more likely to create conflict via setting rules and pushing back in order to achieve what they think will be harmony - even if that is kind of counter intuitive in the end, doh.

My experience of IF types is that they value harmony (which I define as "no conflicts happening", even if there are problems) so that they are free to pursue their IF desires without anything to get in their way. This live and let live approach allows everyone to go off and do what they want, kind of the opposite of "group mentality" that EFs value so much! If conflict does get in the way of their personal IF desires then all bets are off and theeeennn nothing much happens except they become passive aggressive/avoidant until you get the truth out of them.

"They will be the ones who agree to take on too much or endure an uncomfortable situation given it provides peace for everyone else."

I feel this line applies more to IF types (but mostly I'm thinking of all FP) because it's a more indirect way of dealing with problems, and the one that causes the least conflict. I guess I'm coming at this from an angle where I'm thinking about which types are afraid of emotional conflict (I'm guessing IFs) and which types are a bit more okay with it (EFs?).

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