Rin (not verified)says...

Some extroverts seem to not understand how personal introverts are. Simply, if you’re mostly communicating with them or doing favors for them on a surface level, that’s why they feel fed into by an extrovert. Introverts are intuitive. They can tell when they’re only being cared for superficially, and whenever an introvert desires to vent or express their feelings to an extrovert, usually, the extrovert dismisses it. Introverts listen to the personal experiences of an extrovert, hence why introverts feel used or neglected by the extrovert if they’re not reciprocating in the same way. How does one expect to spew their issues onto someone without allowing that person to do the same? That’s why introverts tend to overtime dismiss extroverts. To no longer subject themselves to bottling up their emotions in order to keep the extrovert happy.

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