I'm FiNe (not verified)says...

I'm not sure if your research has taken into account other factors of "birth order". My best-fit type is INFP. I was the eldest child growing up in my family, and I had one sibling 3 years my younger. Both of us were adopted as infants.

I don't know my sibling's backstory regarding her biological birth order, but from the story I was told regarding why I was put up for adoption (biological family didn't want to have any more children), I would surmise that I was the last-born of my birth family. I do resonate with some of what was said about eldest children (responsible, consientious, & diligent), but I also resonate with a couple from middle children (people pleaser & peacemaker) and onlies (perfectionistic, independent, outside-the-box thinker, & wise beyond their years). I don't resonate at all with the youngest child characteristics. Perhaps this emphasis of my parents influencing me as described in the article is a reason that I tend to test weakly in preference along the J/P dichotomy (and usually result in a slight preference for J over P on the raw scores).

Aside from being adopted there are people who grow up as foster children and others who are wards of the state or grow up in orphanages. There are also children of blended families that mix up the order from original family order to blended family order.

My wife (ESFJ) was the youngest of 3 children. Her eldest sibling had severe cognitive and physical impairments due to birth complications. Growing up my wife helped take care of her eldest sibling. [Her family history in large part inspired her to go into teaching special education.] I would say that she has more of the eldest child characteristics than the youngest child characteristics.

My wife and I have 2 children with the elder (ESFP) being 6 years older than the younger (INFP). I think that both have more characteristics listed under the youngest child than any of the other groupings. The elder child did have a time when she demonstated more of the elder child characteristics, but that isn't something that has carried over into her adult life.

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