
INTP-两个孩子中最小的。然而,我的姐姐,比我大得多....我10岁就结婚了。在脑海中,不同的一代几乎……我和她几乎没有血缘关系她高中毕业时就怀孕了,两个月后结婚。这给我们的家庭造成了很大的裂痕。她成了不受欢迎的人。现在我是独生子了……肯定的。随着时间的推移,我的父母和我的妹妹慢慢地和解了,但到那时,我基本上感觉自己像一个独生子女,即使她还住在家里,因为我们的年龄差距也是如此。我是内向的,一个直觉者(实际上我练习专注于我的直觉),一个思考者和感知者。 Although rooted and grounded as an introvert, I have learned to switch that on and off. Literally like a light switch. I can, at will, become 'extraverted' in social or work situations, but as soon as I feel it is no longer needed, I become introverted again, without the need to flip a switch. In a chamelion like way I just change colors back to my default. I would NEVER in a million years even WANT to switch Intuition, Thinking or Perceiving . I love and treasure those.

