Mel F (not verified)says...

I'm sorry, but this is not at all accurate. Growing up in a family of six and knowing a lot of other families, I can clearly see this article is written in a bias. Also, it is very important to take in to account other things than attention and siblings. First, youngest children tend to be very smart, because they pick up on things their siblings know and do not only have flaws. Second, only children may act confidant but also can be very insecure. Between only children, there are also two categories based on how they were raised and regarding their parents. Some only children are very independant only because they have to be and feel they are neglected, while others can be smuthered and overprotected. They also have bad traits too, and it is unfair to leave them out. They aren't perfect. Middle children often are left out and lacking in attention and this can make them very self concious. Oldest children are not all leaders, and it also seems this articles is lacking in one major point--though it is very common for the eldest child to be male, female eldest children act very different. Obviously, gender, race, physical traits, family size, family situation, and wealth all should be playing an important role in this study but are blatently missing.


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