INTJ Female (not verified)says...

I've noticed as an INTJ that ENFJs seem to even us INTJs out in a healthy manner. I'm in love with and ENFJ and his traits and my traits complement each other perfectly, to the point where I would be happy to marry him. We INTJs need Extroverts to keep us from isolating ourselves and the Feeling to remind us that emotion is a beautiful thing even though we may not show it as much. At the same time, the Intuition and Judging gives us something to relate to in the way we take in and process things. We also have very similar interests.I my favorite book and movie, Pride and Prejudice, Elizabeth (ENFJ) mentions that she and Darcy (INTJ) are so much alike and I can attest to that. Even in our differences and the way we complement each other, we are still so much alike in all the right ways. I do wonder if INTJs and ENFJs are an underrated match made made in heaven.

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