KC (not verified)says...

When I was younger (college age-20s) I registered as an INTP and would have considered myself a staunch Christian. However, now (at 35) my entire world view has changed and I consider myself less of a "Christian" and more of a follower of Christ or an Esoteric Christian, which is based more on the feeling/spiritual side of Jesus' teachings instead of the external/logical aspects. Funny enough, I took two different versions of the test yesterday and am now registering as an INFP.

What we have to understand is that our logic is only as good as our beliefs and beliefs are simply assumptions based on our level of conscious awareness. I reached a point where I no longer believed that Christianity, or any other religion for that matter, is the only way to experience a walk with God, which is exactly what Jesus believed as evidenced in the bible by his interactions with the religious leaders of his time. When we think of Christianity we often think more of the outward/expressive parts and less of the intuitive/feeling parts like listening to the Holy Spirit, which guides us from within and tends to be not the least bit logical.

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