Silver Skye (not verified)says...

Strange that I mostly relate more with the INTP descriptions here and almost, *almost* none among the INFP, and I'm an INFP, in every single test and in my own contemplation. Well admittedly I'm not always much like the typical/usual descriptions of this type, (probably why I'm here in the first place) but I know it to myself I'm INFP and it wouldn't feel right to be typed any other way. There are just several incompatibilities when it comes to generalized attributes, like for example as above, personally I lean more to an atmosphere of agnosticism for similar reason stated, (although it hadn't always been as such), but I can also be supportive in the idea of another's faith (it's basically individual preference for me: whatever best suits a person in living life). And as much as how Fi is often described, I personally don't much like rigidity because it feels too constricting both intellectually and emotionally, even though I can be that way sometimes, it's what I tend to view as the irrational (and sometimes unhealthy) side of me (but which is part of me being a person). Generally I have the preference for keeping a broader outlook from a detached point of view, except on certain things that feel too personal or socially critical to remain neutral. Also it seems that the INFP in descriptions above is more of 4w3, and I'm 4w5.

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