BarbaraJo (not verified)says...

This is so totally true. I loved school and the assignments. I loved being competitive with myself, spending lots of time in the library and reading every book on the subject I was researching. I loved waiting to the last minute which seemed was always when the inspiration hit me, to get a paper out for a class. However now that I am in the work world I find it very difficult to get any of my creative pursuits in. Between being married and my husband's schedule being similar to mine, so I am never home alone, and my 45 minute commute in the AM and then again in the PM I am too spent to want to sit down and play my guitar or open my journal to write. It is frustrating because I have so many books in my head and words to get down on paper but I cannot just turn it on and off. I first need the alone time with myself and my thoughts and a blank piece of paper. Eventually the words flow, either on paper or with my guitar, but it takes down time for that to occur and with my work schedule I find I have none. So this piece really hits home for me as right now I am all work and no spontaneous play and no alone time. Making for a frustrated INFJ.

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