Jurgita (not verified)says...

I can relate so much. I moved in with my bf 4 month ago and first few weeks was bearable, but now I can't cope anymore... I feel drained all the time.... not enough he is extroverted, he's loud and chatty as hell! I tried to explain to him that I need my own space to recharge and he tries to give it to me... but it doesn't work anymore. I need time away from him... I feel like my house it's not my house anymore, I don't want to go home because I know he will be there trying to talk to me, give me affection and etc... And I used to love affection, but now every time he wants to kiss me or hug me it makes me cringe... And I do love him, but he's so too much for me. I feel so guilty feeling that way... But I can't stand his presence, that loudness, extreme energy and constant need to do things together... Once I nearly moved out, but he convinced me to stay and I regret it every day... before we moved in together we had great relationships. His energy wasn't annoying me, was overwhelming sometimes, but I always had my place to go to and recharge my batteries for days. Now I feel trapped, absolutely drained and very miserable... I don't know how to explain that I can't be with him because it's draining, he will never understand and never did...

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