Hess (not verified)says...

We are all human and therefore capable of both rationality and irrationality, this is a huge misunderstanding of how T/F relationships work and what rational acutally means.

INFJs use introverted thinking and are therfore capable of rational and are the most rational of Feeler types, using Ti. This is why they match well with xNTPs, this does not mean that all of us should have a connection because of MBTI that is unreasonable.

ENTPs are capable of being irrational and non-factual about issues they're debating, that's not to say that they are not smart but it's to validate the fact that they're only human.

In addition, it's also wrong of people to assume ENTPs to be callous people because they have inferior Fe that can develop well, and be compassionate.

This is human flaw that we all have and has nothing to do with Type.

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