ENTP-A EXTRA EXTROVERTED (not verified)says...

I am so far out there on the extroverted scale its not funny, I actually had to get checked for ADHD or being on the spectrum because I get zero social anxiety and I enrgise through socialising. INFJs seem to trigger a fever inside me sometimes without even formally knowing they are INFJ I can just tell, as an ENTP we are too much sometimes and need to learn some self restraint in dialling back our fevour. The INFJ think we are cold and too logical but for all the INFJs out there hear this one piece of advice. If you connect and build something with us, meet us half way in keeping life lively social and fun, we will take over the world for you, or at least work to achieve happiness as you see it for you, we are the most loyal and dedicated friends and partners and will defend you to the literal death. Our loyalty and friendship is a powerful thing to us. We just need to know it is as valued. The disconnect is where and how we see it to an INFJ, for eg: I have acts of service, and touch as very high on my languages of love, I dont need to hear how much I mean to someone, SHOW me, the proof is in the pudding so to speak. But the first effort in making this work must always come from US ENTPs, we must dial it back enough to allow the INFJ to connect then as they become more used to our nature we can find that happy medium because unlike most once we connect fully they see our soul like no other. Good Luck!

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