EXXX (not verified)says...

I believe I'm a natural,solidENTP - even though a test now would likely place me as an ESFJ/ENFJ. When I was younger, I appeared as a solid INTP - but that was a misdiagnosis as well, because the I was just conditioned. And I don't believe the new results are accurate either, because I've learned to condition myself and moderate my thinking - probably because of my career, where I spend most of my time thinking about what different types of people would want.

But enough about that.

For romantic matchups, an ENTP can obviously go for ENTPs or INTPs. ENTPs attract each other gravitationally for obvious reasons, and I feel we're sort of easily approachable for INTPs. But the way I see it, two ENTPs aren't really built for a solid relationship. They might both be ok pursuing their own things for extended periods of time, accidentally mutually neglecting their relationship in the process. When they'll eventually "come home", whether physically or mentally, they might occasionally see the other party unavailable, feel neglected, but understand that that's what they need to do - they've done the same thing to the other partner. That's just not super healthy.

With the INTP, it's similar, but better. It feels like an INTP/ENTP pair doesn't have such a need to occasionally pursue diametrically opposed things - they're more likely to do things together, so the distance isn't such a factor. However, the final nail in the coffin for both matchups is that some things just won't get done - or will be extremely difficult to get done. Unless the pair can afford a personal secretary/concierge/butler (which the ENTPxENTP likely could and would), maintaining a stable household and long term external relations can become difficult.

In either case, problems arise because both people are sitting on the same side of the seesaw.

Which brings us to the INFJ

Which I never considered as an option. Maybe such a person could keep the real me balanced. And reading through all the posts and comments here, it sounds like most of the problems people face are non-issues that could be solved with a little more empathy.

Next time a pair comes up, I'll make a bigger effort to go for the quieter one, the one that clings to their extroverted friend. God knows how many I've probably simply overlooked.

so TL:DR; thank you all.

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