John BOBBITT (not verified)says...

If you see my name, you might imagine how I'd have started out having a rough time of socialization. The Bobbitt incident made international headlines when I was 8, and 40 miles away. It was tolerable, however, with the companionship if my childhood girlfriend I'd had since preschool- we'd later go to college together and become engaged, only for her to come up pregnant 4 months the before graduation and the wedding. I say "only" because she'd always insisted on waiting, and ai hadn't much choice but to agree. That's what a good man does. Well... I found myself stranded a virgin at 21, and smack dab in the middle of casual culture. And a heartbroken INFJ male.

I'll say this.... There might be some good women out there. But after 20 years of assaults, humiliations, loosing jobs, property damage and vandalism, moving to 6 states, online dating, and tons of research... Any exception to the rule "after age 17, no attractive and well-reguarded women will EVER entertain the idea of association with a virgin" has herself well hidden. And Ive got an interrupted suicide attempt under my belt.

Being an INFJ freakin sucks. I've wished 100 times I could change my name, throw my heart out the window, and start all over again as a Grade A bastard. Did be married with kids by now.

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