GoTeamSlugs (not verified)says...

Thank you with all my heart for bravely writing this article Miss Malone!

One article I read stated that female INFJs are 1.5 % (1 in 66) while male INFJs are 0.5 % (1 in 200). We are independent thinkers as well, and independent thinkers are non-conformists. That meaning we refrain from being bound society's stereotypical beliefs. I wanted to share the thoughts I wrote on genderal stereotypes:

“性别并不是唯一决定一个变量individual's ability. Society is founded on stereotypes. Of course there's a reason for these stereotypes. But they're just traditions that have become ideal mindsets. It's an ideal tradition to have three meals per day—but of of course it doesn't have to be that way. Likewise, I don't believe a man should should have to feel compelled to do better than a woman just because he's male. How frivolous. If you're ever defended by a brave female – there's no shame in needing to hide behind her. Just be yourself. I don't like to see people forced to be someone they're not. Because, well . . I suppose simply because I'm a nice person.

Again, I understand there may be some truth to stereotypes. I just wish they weren't . . arbitrary.

It seems as though no one ever thinks to consider the other variables . . . skill, experience, talent . . and most of all personality. Extroversion and introversion. There are other factors that make up a person besides just physical strength, testosterone, and estrogen.

Because they're used to it; everyone just conforms to arbitrary stereotypes and arbitrary tradition. But not me. I'm an independent thinker. Like Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer and his friend Hermie. And independent thinkers are non-conformists. That meaning they refrain from being bound by society's stereotypical thinking.

Another aspect to note is that people may at times find it easier to be black and white than to rather consider any gray area. Too much of a complication. Or hassle.

Truth be told—it's become somewhat of a broadened term. Where gender can be mentioned regarding scenarios that aren't even necessarily affected by it. Such as art, music, and even the quantity and rate of food consumption. Are any of these really able to be done “better” by one gender over the other? I think not.

这只是理想的心态that a male has to perform – or should feel compelled to perform better than a female in any scenario. Only in marriage is this the case according to the Bible, at least when it comes to decision-making. As a husband is the head of his family.

I wanted to believe that there exists some males who care not for proving themselves more capable than females, and care not to follow the stereotypical belief that they should. Everyone—both male and female, desires to be “capable”.But not everyone desires to be . . “macho” as they seem to call it. Or—a “knight in shining armor” if you will.

I do apologize if I seem like I'm going off on a tangent. I like to think matters through deeply in a logical and tangible way while avoiding personal opinion – so as to only state what is factual.

As you might suspect, I'm not in favor of stereotypes. I always felt bad for both females and males when I heard “You play like a girl.” And how does a girl play? You mean the “average” girl? The “stereotypical” girl? It hurts both both the girls and the boys because it causes the girls to feel obsolete compared to boys when in reality there are multiple variables which form a person's behavior, while the boys are led to believe that it is imperative that they always perform better than girls – instead of just being themselves.

Because I never favored stereotypes—I could also never find humor in in gender-based jokes, even if I tried. Anyone who told me such a joke – would be met with a blank stare. So males never grow up . . oh? Does anyone ever proceed to explain “why” that is? Or at the least – explain that “never” is just a way of saying; “a really long time”? (Eleven years to be precise.) Instead of supporting that stereotype – as well as potential harm, why not seek to justify the causes for this and discover the biological components responsible?

Ability and capability should be classified through personality type – not gender! As what's considered to be masculine and feminine qualities can be shared by both genders depending on their personality. Feminine qualities should be valued just as highly as masculine qualities. To be caring, loving, supportive . . are those not admirable qualities?

Don't let the arbitrary stereotypes and traditions of our baloney-based society control who you are or what you do! Just be yourself! =)"

To be nobody but yourself – in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else – means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.”e.e. cummings

(I am curious if anyone might be able to tell whether I'm male or female based on what I've written.) Thank you, God bless and have a nice day! :)

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