Koni (not verified)says...

I'd argue that a lot of tests on the internet are producing wrong results. And to be sincere i do believe that taking one test won't ever be enough to explore the depths of your personality. Even if we are not moody, we go through phases in our lifes, that might influence our response. Therefore my opinion is, that its necessary to validate the results by retaking tests over an extended period of time.

I'm also an INFJ and i disagree with this article to a certain extend. The most typical correlation between Enneagram 4 and MBTI is ISFP and INFP as they lead with Fi-introverted Feeling. For an INFJ this cognitive funciton is in the critical parent position and can become a social mission. However it's part of our unconcious and often projected. We struggle to truly rebel because it creates disruption in connection.

我们激烈的创造性和仿佛ctive and social. But in this regard our pretty dominant and preferred Loop is Ni-introverted Intuition and Ti-introverted Thinking. Which largely correlates with Type 5 enneagram. Other than that the cognitive Axis of Ni and Se - extroverted Sensing makes us very concerned with quality and perfection - hence Type 1. And type 2 largely correlates with our preffered way of Feeling, which is extroverted in nature and places Harmony (Empathy) above individuality (Sympathy).

I want to argue that we try to never cut someones individuality but therefor we are also creating large amounts of pressure in ourselves - to juggle individuality and our inherent need of harmony, being correct in our perception and so on and so forth.

To conclude - MBTI-Tests often mistypes INFPs and ISFPs for INFJ's. Why? Because IxFP's are judgers. Their personality leads with a judging function, which is introverted Feeling. Highly subjective and sympathetic rather than empathetic judging. Whereas INFJ's have a tendency for Pure-O (OCD) behaviour - which stems from their Ni-Ti Loop. We see things and people from all sides.

An INFP is not very concerned with quality (Enneagram 1) but might actually have Wing 3 and a strong 6,7 might be possible. (Si/introverted Sensing/Enneagram 6 and Ne/extroverted Intuition/Enneagram 7)

An ISFP however is concerned with Quality (Enneagram 1) and they connect and help through action. Can be food, art, Muscial performace, clothes etc. (Se - Extroverted Sensing)

@Rose Furiga: In my opinion Borderline correlates strongly with a disfunctional Fi-introverted Feeling and Te- extroverted Thinking cognitive axis. Jumping from emotional volatility/Fi towards harsh judgement/Te (i guess mainly on yourself) You might want to look into ISFP and INFP. Mentalizing is an approach to deal with the symptoms of borderline and calm yourself. This doesnt come to natural to IxFPs since Ti-introverted Thinking is in their Demon and most unconcious position. Mentalizing correlates with Ti and is most probable no problem for a INFJ.

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