Joy Rublesays...

I'm a Perceiver - an ENFP - but I definitely look at the long-term goal - the big picture - and prioritize that over details, and the here and now. At the beginning of a technical writing project that used nearly 30 technical writers, my team of SMEs and I got off to a slower start than every other team. It wasn't due to procrastination, but to spending time evaluating how best to organize the project. My SMEs and I came up with a method of using a skeletal framework that we could hang similar content - boiler plate - on throughout the various segments of the project. So, while we completed the first segment after every other team, we started the last segment before every other team; we were working on every segment concurrently. We ended up completing the project ahead of every other team, despite having what seemed to be a slow start.

An example that we're dealing with as a country today is the C-19 virus; specificially, our response to it. Here in Texas, I see a vocal segment of the population who decided a one-month shutdown was enough, and wanted to return to normal - a definite present bias. I would prefer the "long-term goal" approach shown by New Zealand's Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern - we'll accept the pain of a longer shutdown now to truly defeat the threat, rather than enjoying an earlier return to "normal," only to see cases begin to rise later.

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