cloudy_day (not verified)says...

嘿,法扎德,我想知道你有t的经历hat led you to have those conclusions. It seems to me that there is fear of vulnerability from what you have said. I am also an INFP and it gives me great joy to show those that I love (in my close circle) the colourful inner world of mine. And I definitely don't do it for just anyone, as you have said, there is risk in revealing one's inner world. But how wonderful it would be if one can be fully transparent and be celebrated and accepted and loved. But if there was no safety for vulnerability, then yes, opening up oneself would be so foolish. I'd hate to misunderstand, but it sounds like you have been misunderstood often in the past, and I really hate that for you. I hope you are healing from those times of not being acknowledged or validated, and know that you can freely be you and still be loved. Hope I have not read too much (and wrongly) into what you have shared. Thanks for showing us this part of you, Farzad. You are loved.

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