Caitlin H. (not verified)says...

This was an amazing piece! Not only do I think many of my INFP loved ones would relate, but it also deeply resonates with me as an ENFP. I think a lot of our shared tendencies are at play when it comes to why this is a habit of ours. I think between our introverted feeling and extraverted intution functions, we're really adept at picking up on an individual's feelings and then also coming up with endless possibilities for why they may be having them.

In fact, I did exactly this the other day when I asked a friend about some distance I had noticed had grown between us in recent months. I found out she'd had a lot going on in her life that I hadn't been aware of, and it made us closer in the end to discuss it!

我爱你的方式打破了下来logically to walk through a scenario like this in the future. I especially loved this line: "Here’s a hint -- if you have to think too hard about how it could be your fault, it probably isn’t." I'm going to carry that one with me for years to come!

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