KanJam (not verified)says...

Haha champagne for my real friends, real pain for my sham friends ?? srsly tho this article is spot on and I do get frustrated sometimes with people assuming I'm an open book...because you're right we're authentic at our core...but if someone tries to force my trust or manipulate my friendliness, I will instantly classify them as entitled and condescending (do not pass go, do not collect 200$). Trust is earned people. And your title status or even natural relationship to me have nothing to do with it.

That just made me sound way meaner than I really am. ? if you do really earn my trust I am extremely loyal. Champagne (and probably hugs) are in order.

Another note I think ESFPs are similar in this way. My brother and one of my friends are ESFP and they often get annoyed in the same way I do at people who are too intrusive.

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