
谢谢,詹,这很有见地,我在很大程度上可以理解。顺便说一句,我有一个ESFJ的姐夫,我看到[奇迹——!他的个性;真的,一个快乐的人会为任何需要他帮助的人竭尽全力。他是负责公司举办特殊活动的人。然而,关于你的故事,我妈妈(已故)是INFP,我是ENTJ(顺便说一下,你丈夫是ENT -X?)我们在大多数关系中也有冲突,而且随着我年龄的增长,这种冲突似乎越来越大。在我不到十岁的时候,我还记得站在炉子旁,她正在做土豆泥。在我那个“无所不知”的早期头脑中,我试图告诉她,她做的土豆泥都是错的,并试图指导她“应该”怎么做土豆泥。她的“生活方式”似乎总是与我的截然不同,相信我,我有自己的想法。直到她离开我们,我才开始重新评估我们之间的关系。我可以说,我也从她身上夺走了一些东西。 One was that she was humble with me and basically found herself (hard as it may have been) stepping back and just letting me argue my opinion [about everything!]. She was also very generous, kind, and sensitive. Our Christmases and birthdays were also very abundant. I appreciate her for the way she never boasted about herself, even though she had reason aplenty; she was smart, after all, and was double-promoted in high school, of all things, and went to work in a bank at age 16, just after graduating. I know I was rather tough with her, and often showed her disrespect. I would not be controlled by her, or anyone, for that matter, but she did try to control me on occasion. Now, when I think about all my rebellion and treating her unkindly, I come away with regret, and love. If I could give advice to others about their mother, it would be to love and appreciate her for who she is and treat her with respect and kindness while you have her with you. Thanks for letting me express!

