Milica (not verified)says...

ENFP here. This is very interesting. I've always thought that debate was extremely valuable (which it seems we've lost that ability), however, actually arguing over politics to be a total waste of time. It seemed to me that everyone is viewing the world through their own lens and their own set of priorities - so of course any position you take will make perfect logical sense depending on your filter. When you argue with someone without catering to their own filter, you're just proving to them how right they are. In any argument, we hardly ever set to choose the same filter through which we ought to construct our arguments. In any case, this all makes even more sense now.

These results also point to another interesting observation - how strongly people react to opposing opinions, especially since those opinions are coming from their inferior function. I'm imagining an INFP and ESTJ arguing without realizing that they are actually two sides of the same coin. I wonder if more people had the ability to appreciate and understand the importance of their inferior function, would they continue to be so polarized in their political views? Something tells me there would be a lot less extreme positions and a greater ability to come together. The current situation only shows how much we all need to work on ourselves before we go out condemning others for their own respective views.

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