ENFP1 (not verified)says...

I agree with her as well, but I can see how Intuitives would be more liberal by nature. For example, on a personal level, I am quite liberal, and I believe that everyone should have the freedom (and have that freedom be protected) to be who they are. I see myself as so pro-freedom for myself and for all others, and I do not discriminate here. In fact, I find that it is most important that those I disagree with have freedom as well. Of course, it is implied that no one person's freedom can hurt or limit the freedom of another. I have a hard time with the contemporary Democratic Party because often I feel that it imposes its values in a rather tyrannical way, attempting to silence anyone in opposition. I am very open and willing to hear all views, but I have noticed that my Democrat friends are quick to share their opinion without really any interest in hearing an opposing view. This isn't always the case, of course, but many have this sort of attitude. On the other hand, many trump supporters that I know are completely silent and will only open up if they see they aren't going to be attacked. This alone is something that really bothers me, as a person who prizes freedom above all else. I can't imagine silencing a group of people because I don't like what they have to say. I also wonder where this comes from. Also, I've heard a lot of "if you're not with me, you're against me" talk. This isn't a healthy mindset or something I want to affiliate with. This goes for both sides, it just appears to me that Democrats are more guilty of this in the current environment.

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