remi (not verified)says...

As an european what i have to say on this cool article and comments is that in usa you seems to have a too limited choice.

Only having two political parties can hardly satisfy readers of this 4 dimensional personality theory.
I cant tell that in france we have a better way to go because today the main parti almost killed the system we had before, telling people they will take the best of the 2 ways axis (we had mostly the same usa have) .

But i lived in belgium, maybe ridiculously small but ... i found in this country (15 years ago) a very rich political diversity and political parties who, i think, had the keys of a better representation.

To simplify, there was economical conservators whith very progressist societal views , there was conservators for both societal and economy, there was socialists ones with very conservatives ideas about society and other socialists with very liberal views on society ... and 2 or 3 more complexs (living there for 3 years i didnt understood all ;) )

So maybe a bi parties system is really too much simplifying and is only polarizing people at such a point that they cant think outside of the "with me or against me" frame.
Dont take it as an offense, i personaly dont have strong politcal opinions mostly because i'm not satisfied with this oversimplified and polarizing representative system. I just cant play this "with or against" game :) And my country use to play this game as yours.

Maybe my english political vocabulary and my knowledge about your political system leads me to some messes, dont hesitate to correct or counter my comment !

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