JimmyBandolim (not verified)says...

Have you considered ENFJ before? Especially the neglecting your own needs comment sounds like an Fe dominant type (unless by that you meant you have a tough time keeping organized or doing basic tasks for yourself, that's more ENFP's inferior Si territory, in which case you'd be neglecting your own needs whether or not you help others, haha). My sister first tested as an INFP, but a lot of online tests are terrible (especially 16 personalities), she's one of the most stereotypical ENFJs you can find. Just something to consider. My wife is an ENFP, and she is also a very kind and helpful person, so this isn't to say that you can't be that.

I agree the ENFP description wasn't great though. I don't know how they got to a lot of these types in the middle based upon their cognitive preferences, can't imagine the Fe dom and aux aren't dominating this list. ESFJ, ENFJ, ISFJ, and INFJ in whatever order should easily be top 4.

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