Miss M (not verified)says...


Female INFP here, mid 40’s. I do agree with the description for INFP personalities. I believe I am very kind and polite, but sometimes misunderstood. When I was much younger, in elementary school, I would be the student who always befriended the weird kid with no friends, in order to make that person feel better, fell accepted and loved. I was always quiet and respectful to the teacher in class, and did everything I could to avoid any conflict. Now that I am older, I am still the quiet, respectful, positive person in a group, until somebody brings up something that I think would hurt somebody else. Then I will challenge them, but I will try to do it in the nicest, most positive way I can. However, if they shoot my idea down, I do tend to push a little in order to try to make the outcome best and inclusive for everyone. In other words, I will fight tirelessly for people who can’t fight for themselves. But I would never, never yell or insult or be very rude to people in a meeting. I would just simply ask again if there’s any way we could change the policy to make it more fair for everyone. So I can push a little, but I try to still stay within politeness.

I agree that the ENFP description seems a little off to me, but I have only known one verified ENFP. This was a woman I used to work with, and she was absolutely the most polite and kind person that I had ever met. She was the kind of polite, joyful, comfortable-with-herself and helpful person that I have tried to strive to be the majority of my life. She never seemed self-absorbed to me, and although she told us stories about her life, she was always looking out for everyone else around, and what’s just the warmest person imaginable. She was the first point of contact for our company, and greeted everyone who came into the office with a genuine warm smile, kind tone and welcoming attitude. I only hope to be as polite and wonderful as this ENFP I was lucky enough to know for a while.

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