Cianna Garrisonsays...

Hi Weldon!

Great to hear from you. Although I am no expert on construction and the career trials that come with it, I can tell you that a mix of digitization and human mindset is probably the best for any business! Robots and technology are all well and good, but it sounds like you struggle with getting all of the data you wish when you rely solely on one of these methods. I would recommend allowing yourself a second to let go of the frustration and expectations, communicate to your employees what you expect from them, and give them time if they don't quite hit the mark! Then, calmly give them a helpful critique. In most scenarios, many people react better to a calm and collected criticism rather than a level that's antagonistic or harsh. Use the technology and AI to handle what you can to lighten the pressure off of yourself and the team, and then find a happy medium for what you entrust them in accomplishing.

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