Ekaterina lauchman(未验证)says...

I have three children and went through domestic violence with my childrens father. He tried to end me. Before this Happened I was fine, working out religiously, happy, had everything organized and outgoing lots of fun with my three children and friends. Now I rarely workout, always on edge, anxiety through the roof, don't have patience for anything. The court thing is still going on because of custody of the children. He got a good lawyer but I still do love him even though I know he's wrong for me. (No we are not back together)He's complete opposite of me but some how his test came out saying he is a INFJ... super confusing but I'm always so tired and not motivated on getting my health back and being physically healthy and I stay kn the house all day every day. I feel like I'm socially awkward now. Im going to a counselor but I need to get my self back. I feel so weak and I'll and just blah all the time and never focused.

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