Infp wife (not verified)says...

Trying to better understand my Istj husband and you nailed it. As an Infp you can imagine how I've struggled with his 'unhealthy' side especially since he began full-time work from home 3yrs ago. I homeschool and have a toddler. I used to love being a sahm but it hasn't felt like home for a long time. It's stress central for us and my hubby just can't see it.

We've always had issues but not having a break from eachother is becoming to much for my sensitive soul to bare.

At least your post has shed some light on the unhealthy Istj so I can see it's not in my head! I can also have more insight as to how it is being an Istj and what that internal struggle actually looks like. No wonder he has anxiety!

Thank you!

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