Linda Balsamo (not verified)says...

I am an ENFJ qualified to administer and interpret the MBTI. As Speech-Language Pathologist, one of my favorite parts of my job is mentoring first year speech pathogists, known as Clinical Fellows. My last CF is an INFJ, and very much as your article has described. She remains one of my closest colleagues and confidantes.

My question is this: I have always reported the data that, of the 16 paths to excellence described by preferences in the MBTI, INFP was the rarest, and sometimes considered the fragile snowflakes of the types. This makes sense, because all 3 of the 4 preferences are less reflected in Western culture, and Felling decisions tend to be of a more subjective nature than logical Thinking decisions. You stated, however, that INFJs are the rarest type. Please advise me of the new data that supports this, as I do not want to impart false information when I interpret the MBTI.

Many thanks!

Linda Balsamo

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