Guest (not verified)says...

I love this story.
I am INTP in my forties.Not the stereotyped INTP though.
I have this need to create tangible stuff. Or to do tangible stuff.
I mean i love cycling,swimming, freediving- spearfishing, road trips, hiking, camping, bq, etc. I do not really like sitting at home and reading about theories or fantasy worlds. I read some articles through the internet( non fiction) but thats as far as i go. Sometimes i might read a fiction book( Kafka, Lovecraft, ...) but I prefer action.
That is why sometimes i feel i more ISTP than INTP....but i am sure that i have strong Ne function( connecting unrelated things, predict future outcomes, always come up with ideas) so i am possitive i am INTP.
I would love to be able to create small furniture that i could build in my own home workshop.If Spench can provide me some advice on how to go about doing that - even as a hobby- that would be great. I have a clerical job which pays the bills.thanks.

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