
我们也一样。我自己就是一家披萨店的老板。我在一年半前买下了这家公司,成功地将销售额提高了两倍,并将公司的员工从8人增加到23人。我的意大利餐厅每年的收入大约是15万,大部分任务都委托给了员工。我不是一个天生的经理,我工作也不是特别努力,但当我需要站出来的时候,我做到了。我能够在洛杉矶做到这一点,与美国其他地方相比,洛杉矶的商业环境可能很难驾驭。另一方面,我交易股票和加密货币,并设法使我的收入翻了一番,而且还在上涨。这很好,因为我可以在床上做一个懒惰的蔬菜。我会在30岁时成为百万富翁,并计划在迪士尼乐园和维加斯附近购买出租物业。我之所以能成功,是因为我强迫自己参加社交活动。 I was diagnosed with mild autism when I was little, and realized by the age of 10 that I needed to find my place in the world, or be doomed. I primarily try to interact with other hustlers I can learn from - because I know that the amount of knowledge that I have doesn't compare to that of a guy who's been in business for 20+ years. I'm not smart or experienced enough to know everything, but I do a damn good job at recognizing those who do and try to get as much of their time as possible. That's how I made it as an INTP. Maybe it might help you.

