Guest650 (not verified)says...

The income levels are about right as the median income in the US currently is around $50,000. However, I have the same issue as someone who previously commented. I'm an INTJ (tested twice, 15 years apart, in university and then at work, by psychologists) surrounded by a bunch of NTs and at least in my small sample, we all make over $100K. Most of us have graduate degrees though so if you had assessed our incomes in our 20s, it would have been quite low.

我做的一件事不知道是how accurate the MBTI is on an individual level. Since it is self-reported, I feel people can take the test in different ways -- e.g. filling in the answers as they actually feel/ act or aspirationally, i.e. how they want to be seen by themselves or others. It could be that those who are in executive-level positions, regardless of true personality type, fill out their answers according to what they do already so it comes out as ENTJs, often cited as the "field commander" types. Since executive types often make more money, the results end up showing ENTJs as earning more money.

Also, not sure about other people, but at work, the way I act is different from the rest of my life.

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