
It makes sense, really. If a fairly large chunk of INTPs are highly similar to me, it is a struggle to care about one thing long enough to make a career out of it. I've been dating someone I'm pretty sure is an ENTJ (I'll have to make him take a test) for three years, so I think he's rubbed off on me in some ways, as I'm now in my third year of engineering school (which is weird, because I'm 26). Certainly makes sense given the timelines.

Sorry, got off track. We also have the issue of being incredibly stubborn, which doesn't exactly scream "hire me." Most employers prefer to stick to convention, whether it be tradition or one of their own creation; it's a safe business practice. An INTP who is constantly rebelling or failing to hold to a schedule (or get his or her nose brown) just doesn't fit into the plan. This sounds very fight-the-powery, and it's not meant to, but no one wants to hire a person they can't control.

In conclusion: Learn to convincingly fake that personality until you get past the probationary period, fellow INTPs.

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