Colleen (not verified)says...

INFPs are great listeners and counselors. You are well intentioned, However, students in California are given free access to career exploration and counseling in high school, There are also numerous courses, inventories, and other career development tools on the web created by the State and Federal government such as O*Net. I frequently refer young people to these resources. Qualifications for career counseling in California schools is specific. Your education and your State credential must match the requirements. Adults are given the similar opportunities through the Employment Development Department and various workforce development programs and grants.

Retirees are the greatest untapped resource in our communities. Most of us have amazing credientials and experiences. Approach your local high school, community college, university, library, Y, Boys and Girls club, Big Sister/Brother, religious community, community center, small business assistance agency, parks and rec, etc. and ask about opportunities to volunteer. Think about helping other seniors find employment and develop skills. I have met widows and divorcees who need help resume writing, practicing interviews, and job hunting, Find a fit!

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