Jenny T-S (not verified)says...

WOW! I totally relate to EVERYTHING being said about INTJs, especially with regard to the work place.
I am stuck in a position (NOT what I was told I would be doing when hired, but the job market is TIGHT right now.) with a lot of ENFP, ESFP types - I know because I gave them ALL Tests! I do a GREAT job - except for the people part. It isn't that I don't like people, it's that I mostly want them to go away so that I can work! I have been "talked to" several times about how I relate to other people.
(If I were not so good at everything else, I'm sure I would have been let go long ago.)
Anyway, the last time I decided to accept the challenge, and being familiar with the Myers-Briggs assessment, went that route. Everyone loves knowing about themselves. Especially when I also printed off a Star Wars spoof of Myers-Briggs Types: Which Star Wars Character are You? (They're all obsessed with Star wars.) Apparently, I'm the really bad guy - Palpatine. Since I helped most of them to score their tests, I readily found out a lot about them. Now, I'm online figuring out how to deal with people based on type.
It is a totally "mastermind" sort of thing to do.
* * * *
Other things that work at work:
My trick when people ask how I'm doing is to just turn it around and ask them. It's NOT a real question anyway - just a social nicety. And, WE ALL KNOW that "FINE" is NOT an answer!
I am really good at remembering names and facts about people - like the names of their kids and dogs.
Every now and then I make brownies or cookies for everyone - bribes help!

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