Rin (not verified)says...

I'm a female INTJ and am having a very hard time with my job at the moment. I wish I'd have had more info about myself and my personality back in college when choosing a major and getting a job after. I'm not in the right field for my personality at all. I'm an administrative assistant and I'm nearly in pain everyday, mentally and physically.

I love solving problems and researching things, but my current position does not allow that and it is actually discouraged. I try to help and come up with better ways (more efficent ways) of doing things and am shut down repeatedly because "the old way is fine." I'm treated like I'm stupid and have been reminded a few times that I am not the boss and if I don't like how the company is run then I can leave. The only reason why I'm still in this horrid assistant job/field is because I've come to the conclusion that I don't want to work for anyone anymore. I just don't know what I can do yet for a career working for myself. I love to write, but that's always a hard way to go to make money.

It's too bad more workplaces don't value the positives that INTJs bring to the table. I'm tired of being shut down and told that my offers to be efficent are unwanted.

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