Toll (not verified)says...

I'm an INTP I test as 35%introvert, 95%Intuition over sensing, 40%T over F and 70%P over J.... Turbulent

I appreciate the article but don't understand how it helps. I believe there is one underlying thing that can resolve these issues I have, I either don't have the emotional intelligence to understand it but I believe It seems as though these issues are underpinned by the same thing and I'd like someone to point it out and guide me in the right direction, if you would be so kind.

so here goes.

performance anxiety plagues me - I am competitive and whenever I am aware of being observed I fall to bits. If I let my emotions/feelings pass they just heighten, my best attempt is to try and ignore people and imagine I'm alone.

I have had a few times where I'm being observed doing stuff and yeah I've got nerves but I've managed to zone In under the feeling of the nerves and performed like a boss but then I get overwhelmed by expectation and just resign.(even though i know it's my own expectations my emotion thinks otherwise)

I try to distract myself, this helps but I'm then not performing at 100%

I use "step back and breath" when I'm locked into a perspective and know i need to think outside the box - but under observation it does nothing for my state of mind much like it doesn't change the fact I'm still being observed.

I'm the same for any form of intimacy, I act like a weirdo before and after sex and may say or do some weird stuff

I find singing along with people cheesy

I'm an adrenaline junky but to0 much and I choke.

I put on a front but I'm very submissive.

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