ENTP Male (Not Verified) (not verified)says...

Premature assumptions are not really indicative of Ni as much as they're indicative of impulsivity, something ISTPs are known for
She may have some strategic ability, but also experiences several lapses in strategic thought, following a path of wanton whimsy that is quite unlike INTJs. Of course, her proclivity for increased emotional awareness is something definitely related to gender (almost all women have brains with more areas devoted to emotional thought, both empathically and morally, than almost all men have. The size of these areas varies from person to person, but the number of regions is pretty constant). An additional argument for her being an INTJ is that she has a demonstrable preference for Fi, whose effects are obvious during both the games and her press releases. She remains authentic whenever possible, even when that interferes with strategy (Fi) and follows principle rather than situational morality (Fe). She is clearly an introvert and demonstrates enough coldness and strategic preference to be types as a thinker, leaving us with ITJ. Between ISTJ and INTJ, there is much of a coin flip - many arguments support both sides. Ni definitely supports her visionary behavior and independence, though Si supports her general deference to authority, lack of know-it-all-ness, physical performance in the games (this is something I've intuited... not much logical backing to it, but I definitely saw more SJ than NJ in her thinking style during the games), and go-with-the-flow attitude with respect to the resistance.

Personally, I say ISTJ. She is certainly an independent thinker, but values consistency and authority to an extent I rarely see in INTJs. She also lacks the bravado I have come to expect of INTJs, which knows no difference in gender. For Katniss, it isn't about ideas. It's about realities.

Signed, ENTP

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