sara sami (not verified)says...

Awesome Article thank you for sharing.
I feel like if most sensors saw this article, they might be able to understand us a bit, since the article is very organized.

I found this post on google yesterday about how N's are smarter than S' and the hate it was receiving, but your article clearly communicates our issues much better than hating on sensors, however your article was about how we should communicate with them and not about our struggles. I would love to see an article where it has funny points summarizing the struggles we face because of living in a world full on sensor.
I also would love to see an article about how sensors can communicate with us and the misunderstandings/they feel when talking with us because when I talk with sensors I'm always cautious as not to bore/annoy them with my World topics/view and I hate having to carry that burden/feeling. I do feel as if i'm bothering/annoying them I don't know if that's just me feeling that way or other intuitives feeling that away as well.
Its not only them but I feel as if sometimes other intuitives who have low self confidence and are not comfortable with themselves/haven't understood themselves yet look down upon us/pretend they don't know what we are talking about just to fit in with the crowd and not be hated like us which bother me so much and makes me feel very alone.

We should definitely have organization/groups for intuititves to meet and discuss the topics we care about and love
If any of you reads this, please try to do something about it.

plus i would love to see a neat article like this one talks about the different types of intuitives that exist. Like the different between Feeling intuitives and thinking ones, how their intuition differs, how they see the world, would they get along better with each other or feeling intuitive and sensor is better than a thinking intuitive with a feeling intuitive.
also the difference between an introverted feeler and an extraverted feel and the same for the thinkers and how it differs when they communicate with each other. plus if the Myers Briggs is so awesome, why isn't everyone world wide using it everywhere to solves the misunderstanding issues.

lastly, I know I've ranted a lot lol but Is the hunger games secretly separated into the myers Briggs personalities, I got a hunch i'm very sure about and I would love to pursue it further because the different job occupations they had reflected different preferences, if it is , how would the world play if each preference/ personality group had their own region, wouldn't it be interesting to discuss such outcomes.

BTW fellow enfp here, heyyy :) :) :)
Love yall
lots of love xo xo :P :D

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