CandyH (not verified)says...

Understanding this probably would have saved me from years of frustration with my former sensor bosses, and I’d probably still have those jobs.

The reality is, from my experience, that it is completely against the grain for sensors to speculate about personality types (abstraction central), much less do research about how to communicate with intuitives (unless they are somewhere in the middle). It will most always be the intuitive’s responsibility to straighten out this conundrum, however unfair it may seem. I have a daughter, husband, and a few former bosses that are strong sensors and figuring them out was a long journey. Just getting information from them is difficult. You won’t get long open-ended answers... they will give you exactly what you asked for and nothing else. They will argue vehemently against your abstract assumption if you can’t prove it and especially if they have past experience that directly disproves it (at least teenage sensors will!).

Sensor bosses don’t jive well with creative intuitives, so be prepared to keep those ideas in your head, execute the idea, document its success, and THEN show your boss. Otherwise they will look at you like you’re speaking charlie-brown-teacher-speech.

Sensors seem “2D” to me, but I’ve learned to save the intellectual philosophy theories for fellow intuitives and keep it short and sweet with sensors.

That only took me, maybe, 30 or so years to understand!

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