Emily Mangiaracina (not verified)says...

谢谢你的这篇文章!虽然是有帮助的I think this takes practice. I have to admit, I can have a hard time keeping myself from going off into intuitive flights in conversation. But, I think the ideal is to be able to find a way to relate our intuitive ideas to sensors by connecting it to their practical interests.

For example, if a sensor has a liking or attachment to something (like animals), that may be the forum through which we can point out what is wrong with society's hierarchy of values, with animals in obviously the wrong spot. Except you never say "hierarchy of values" to a sensor, you have to use practical language.

You could say "Isn't it messed up how animals are treated" and you get to satisfy your (maybe this is particularly NF or INFP) thirst for abstract values and generalizations, and they can bring up concrete examples of animals being mistreated and they satisfy their thirst for practical reality with something that interests them. And neither of you necessarily veer off completely into the other "world," but you can have a conversation of mutual interest and understanding.

All intuitives reading this - with your gift comes responsibility. Indeed, intuitives have a capacity to adapt themselves to sensors in a way that sensors cannot, or can only do so with difficulty (to a greater or lesser degree depending on the person). The onus is on us not simply because we are the minority.

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