Another Species (not verified)says...

You wrote "If it didn't have releveance, I wouldn't bring it up." I think the article missed this point to some extent, but you hit the nail on the head with your response to it. From what I have seen, the sensor will often become annoyed by other types bringing up valid (or different) points from different angles. I don't understand why that is often so offensive to them.

This is just my 2 cents -- they should see the conversation as it is, but they refuse to or are unable to do so in the more advanced intuitive communication style. I think the intolerance that sensors have is because if they were to ask for the type of clarification that you might, as suggested in your article response example above, the sensor would be doing it as an attack or criticism, so they assume (incorreclty) that you are doing it for the same reason that they would if they were to do it (and I don't think that many of them really have the ability to reason this way to begin with). Buying a car is a big deal after all so lets go over all options!

Do you think the article makes it appear the intuitive does not consider the relevant features about the car?

I think intuitive discussions are far beyond what sensors are "wired" to do in conversation, and they might think that style of posing the option of different possibilities (often going down the road of progress) is confusing or irritatating to them as it goes against the grain of how they think with established beliefs and many sensors somehow manage to feel threatened or intimidated by it due to insecurities. Often I find they become passive-aggressive in response to the frustration they have towards the intuitive.

Sometimes I think that sensors can't even hear what was really said in a conversation and simply misinterpret what was said a lot more than an intuitive type would be stereotyped to do so by a sensor in reality.

As I have gotten older, I try not to waste time sharing speculations/opinions with people if I believe they will not be receptive to it, will become irritated, irrational, and also if they don't ask for it and I see no productive (or fun) outcome in doing so. In the end it is just not worth it, as they will either have hard-feelings most of the time after a "conversation" or just say I am unconventionally odd. I read the 48 Laws of Power and that has helped me greatly in dealing with people as an intuitive -- I learned that it is often to best keep quiet in many situations... But not when buying a car together like the article.

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