... (not verified)says...

Sorry, but I refuse to bend over to accommodate Sensors. I won't hold their hand and guide them through concepts they're too simple to comprehend because if the roles were ever reversed it wouldn't even occur to them to do the same for me. They're a lesser type of being, a cog in the machine, a remnant of our ape ancestors which will eventually be bred out as humanity evolves and gene editing in favor of higher IQs becomes acceptable. They're here to be mindless drones who keep keep their superiors hands free and bellies full so we have the time to work on what is truly important for all life on Earth in the long run. But one day their jobs will be displaced by AI and they'll be essentially dead weight. I'm not cruel to them, but I definitely tune them out the moment I spot one. They have nothing of value to offer me in terms of communication, and due to their ignorance, the feeling is certainly mutual. You might find what I'm saying ridiculous, but deep down all of you intuitives out there find resonance in what I'm saying even if you try to cover it up with egalitarian guilt.

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